Windows Support

Latest Windows Agent: 10.0.47390.40  

Windows OS support  

The following Microsoft Windows OS versions x64 are supported. (We no longer support x86 systems.)

  • Windows 11 
  • Windows 10  
  • Windows Server 2022  
  • Windows Server 2019  

The Windows Agent records both persistent and non-persistent VDI environments including VMware, Citrix Virtual Apps, and XenDesktop among others. 

Other prerequisites: 

  • Free Disk Space
    Requires 1.5 GB free disk space at the endpoint device.
  • Antivirus Exclusions
    Windows Security and other antivirus solutions may attempt to quarantine this software. Be sure to set the listed exclusions at each Windows device BEFORE attempting to install the the Windows Agent.  

NOTE: If you still use legacy Windows Agents (version 8.2.0.x), consider upgrading to the latest version for expanded recording capability and reliability. Contact Support.

Event recording support

Interguard records the following data types on Windows machines:

Supported   To Come (or Partial)      Not Currently Supported

 Events Recorded

Windows Agent 10.0.xxxxx 

Logon Events

Login, logoff events

  • Lock, unlock events
  • Remote login, disconnect, and unlock events
  • Active and inactive time

Alert Events

The Windows Agent returns data allowing:

  • Behavior Alerts
  • Keyword Alerts (detected in supported event types) 
  • Screenshot Alerts
  • Printed Document
  • Risk Application
  • File Tracking
  • Printed Document 
  • Agent fails to check-in notification  

Email Events

Email sent and received:

  • Microsoft Outlook
  • MS
  • Thunderbird
  • Web-based email (see below)

Chat/IM events

Participants and text messages:

  • Microsoft Teams  
  • Skype 
  • Web-based chat (see below)


Applications opened:

  • Application name
  • Active, inactive, focus time
  • Productive, unproductive, and neutral time   

Command Line Apps

(Tested apps)



Cygwin's BASH




Websites visited: 

  • Web URL, domain
  • Active, inactive, productive, unproductive and neutral time 

See browser support below.


Searches at websites:

  • URL 
  • Search words

File Tracking



File Activity in paths specified in the Recording Policy. including:

  • Create, Modify, Delete, and Rename actions 
  • Original and new file paths/names
  • Local, removable, network drive activity
  • Printed files 

File Transfers


  • FTP Downloads
  • Cloud Drive Uploads and Downloads 
  • HTTP/HTTPS and Uploads and Downloads 
  • Skype Uploads and Downloads

See browser support below below


Keystrokes typed in applications:

  • Raw and formatted data


Continuous Screenshots (time interval) and:

  • Application triggered screenshots
  • Website triggered screenshots
  • Alert Word Screenshots

Web browser recording support 

The Windows Agent records the URL, domain, window caption and other data about websites a user accesses. 

  Supported     To Come Soon       Not Currently Supported

Web Browsers Supported

Windows Agent 10.0.47390.40

Microsoft Edge (Chromium)


Websites visited (URL and domain)

Web searches  

Alert by website

Website active time

Website productive, unproductive, and neutral time

Files uploaded HTTP/HTTPS

Files Downloaded HTTP/HTTP

Google Drive uploads/downloads

One Drive uploads/downloads

Google Chrome

Websites visited (URL and domain)

Web searches  

Alert by website

Website active time

Website productive, unproductive, and neutral time

Files uploaded HTTP/HTTPS

Files downloaded HTTP/HTTPS

Dropbox uploads/downloads

Google Drive uploads/downloads

One Drive uploads/downloads

Mozilla Firefox

Websites visited (URL and domain)

Web searches  

Alert by website

Website active time

Website productive, unproductive, and neutral time

Files uploaded HTTP/HTTPS

Files downloaded HTTP/HTTPS

Dropbox uploads/downloads

Google Drive uploads/downloads

One Drive uploads/downloads

Email recording support

The Windows Agent records incoming and outgoing email messages.

Supported    To Come Soon       Not Currently Supported

Email Client Support

Windows Agent 10.0.47390.40

Gmail (Webmail)

Inbound/Outbound email & opened attachments

Yahoo (Webmail)

Inbound/Outbound email & opened attachments

MS Outlook 

Inbound/Outbound email & opened attachments

MS app

Inbound/Outbound email & attachments

MS Outlook (Hotmail, Live) web app

Inbound/Outbound email & opened attachments

Chat/IM client recording support

The Windows Agent records incoming and outgoing text messages in Chat/IM events.

Supported   To Come Soon       Not Currently Supported

Chat Client Support

Windows Agent 10.0.47390.40

Facebook Messenger

Inbound/Outbound messages in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers

Facebook Chat

Inbound/Outbound messages in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers

Microsoft Teams

Inbound/Outbound Text messages  

MS Classic Teams

Inbound/Outbound messages & attachments


Inbound/Outbound messages & attachments

Skype for Business

Inbound/Outbound text messages & attachments

Google Chat

Inbound/Outbound messages in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers

Yahoo Messenger (browser)

Not supported

* About Teams Support

  • New Teams - The latest Veriato Windows Agent has been tested to support Microsoft New Teams and Classic Teams.
  • Mac Agent - Support for New Teams is in progress. 
  • Web-based Teams - Currently, we do not record Chat/IM events from web-based Teams. Track this activity in website or application events and in available screenshots.

Updated: 04/24/2024