Interguard Release Notes

The Interguard console app is updated regularly to introduce new features, apply enhancements, and correct problems reported to our Technical Support team. All release updates are applied automatically to your account app. The notes below cover updates since Release 1.6.0. 


June 11, 2024


  1. Recording (Base Policy) – To avoid unexpected recording of sensitive data, when Windows or Mac agents are first deployed, only the login status is captured immediately after a user is licensed. All other recording is disabled until the endpoint receives its assigned recording policy instructions.  
  2. Data Explorer- PDF or CSV page exports for Websites or Applications now include a final “Productivity” field for each event showing the Productive/Unproductive/Neutral rating.
  3. Productivity – CSV page exports now include the User and Group names as the first two fields of the report. Zeroes are shown when a value is unavailable for another field (Active Time example: 0:00:00).  


  1. Productivity – Selecting a custom date range for the Productivity page (or for a PDF or CSV page export), includes data from the beginning to the end of that range (no additional time) in each user's Productivity Score calculation and ranking.


May 7, 2024

  1. Device Registration – To ensure distinct computer names for VDI-hosted environments where other device information may be shared, we've updated the method for registering a new device.  

Release and and

03/26/2024 and 04/19/2024


  1. License Type – ( The “Employee Monitoring” license type name has been updated to “User Activity Monitoring” with no effect on existing or new recording policies.
  2. Productivity CSV Export – ( The .csv file output now includes time totals for Productive Time, Unproductive Time, and Neutral Time in addition to the existing Inactive Time.




  1. Productivity Export – Added Group Name, First Login Activity, and Last Logout Activity columns to the .CSV page export.  


  1. Productivity – The page maintains the “Show 25 Users” or “Show 250 Users” setting when a different Group is selected. The limitation of 250 users can be overcome by exporting the Productivity page to .CSV and selecting “All.”  
  2. Productivity – Improved background processing allows displaying a user and evidence of activity for “Today” (if any activity occurs) regardless of time zone.
  3. Productivity Timeline – On the daily Timeline panel, hide the “Calendar” tab option and display only “Timeline” as the panel heading.  
  4. Data Explorer – When a large data request cannot be processed for the page, processing stops, and the “Processing” message is replaced by a message instructing the user to select a filter or try an export option.
  5. File Tracking – Network drive paths can be specified as either UNC or Mapped (as of Windows Agent version 47390.9) and will be identified for activity recording.



New in this release

The console app now provides remote uninstallation of Windows Agents from the console app. Changes were made to the Endpoint Agents page to support the "Uninstall" action (available to Administrator users).


  1. Android Installer – (Internal) Changed the APK source location to improve testing for target environments.  
  2. Productivity – To increase accuracy and reduce confusion, the page now opens with the Date filter set to the past seven days up to “yesterday” by default. The “Clear All” button sets the date to the last 7 days (up to yesterday).
    • A user’s logged-in (green) or offline (blank) status is now based on recent logged-in time.
    • Because the Productivity page shows 25 users, a “Show All” option has been added to allow a page export (within filter selections) of all users.  
    • The percentage of active time logged under a “Flexible” schedule is based on the number of work hours (rather than 24 hours).
  3.  Download Agents – When “Do NOT reboot” is selected, the downloaded Windows or Mac Agent file will have “Auto-Reboot-Disabled” in the filename to distinguish it from rebooting installers. 


  1. Productivity – Errors in pagination and CSV page export have been corrected. The “Activity” chart PDF exports are working, and daily Activity and Timeline charts for an expanded user open as expected. The “Schedule Report” Add and Edit buttons are working.  
  2. Alerts – “Alert Words” trigger only on a full (not partial) match. Tooltips appear for the on-page export options.
  3. Data Explorer – The “Applications” tab data loads significantly faster. Mobile File Tracking column headers were updated for consistency with File Tracking. Group by “Alert Word Category” (for Searches and Websites) filters data to the correct count of events. Group by “Sender” (Mobile Text Messages) filters the data to the correct sender’s name. Group by “Flagged” shows flag icons in the grouping chart.  
  4. Logon Events – The event details correctly show the user’s IP Address.  
  5. Reporting > Scheduled Reports – An existing report opens to its “Summary” and retains the previously selected Groups (Users) and reporting Frequency. For each report type, the wizard shows the correct step number and header.   
  6. Reporting > Attendance Report – Dates are exported chronologically as expected.
  7. Reporting > Recent Reports – A view icon appears only for PDF reports, which can be viewed (not .xls or .jpg reports).
  8. Reporting > Summary Export – An “Immediate” export to PDF will not display an error.  
  9. Groups & Policies > Users – Improved the tooltips and disabled the ability to move or change policy for “hidden” users.
  10. Notification Settings – Fixed the Add and Edit buttons for Agent Check-in notifications and improved error trapping for duplicate “Notification” names.  
  11. Endpoint Agents – Improved tooltips, feedback messages, and the ability to move all devices to a group.  
  12. Login & Access Control – Enabling two-factor authentication results in a success message with the setting enabled. When enabled, the two-factor authentication QR code appears as expected, and most authenticator apps can scan and identify the application.  




  1. Productivity – The user’s daily Timeline/Calendar chart has been revised for efficiency and quick display.  
  2. Productivity – Productivity time calculations now add up correctly for expected flexible work hours or fixed workday schedules.  
  3. Productivity – The Productivity Summary .csv now reports percentages that add up to 100%.  
  4. All Users – A user’s “Last Device Used” updates as expected when the user logs into a different device.  
  5. Mobile > Geolocation – Exported events now show the correct timestamp.   

Release 1.6.2 Release 1.6.2 



  1. Windows Agent – The agent now records and returns inbound and outbound Chat/IM in the Microsoft New Teams desktop app. This release supports recording both New Teams (MS version 23306.3315.2560.6525) and Classic Teams (MS version  
  2. Productivity – Throughout the product, “Idle Time” has been renamed “Inactive Time” to clarify its relationship to “Active Time” (with a productivity value) as a device status.  
  3. Groups & Policies > Users / Endpoint Agents – Added a Group filter to facilitate viewing of the users or devices within a group.  
  4. Android Devices – Removed the unnecessary domain prefix from the “Logs in as” (in All Users) and the “Username” field (in Groups & Policies > Users).  
  5. Data Explorer > Mobile > Geolocate – Added a Group filter making it easier to find a device. For detailed reporting, added a CSV Export that includes Latitude, Longitude, and IP Address with Timestamps for the selected mobile device.  


  1. Reports – A Pre-Set (Dashboard chart) report now displays data in charts as requested.  
  2. Admin | Login & Access Control – Verified that the Login History export to CSV is downloaded when requested.
  3. Data Explorer Filtering – Clicking a “Group by” chart element for online Searches filters the grid to the correct number of events. Top-of-page filters on Mobile Geolocation filter users and devices according to the request. Typing characters in “Search” filters the list to match the search entry as expected on a Mobile Text Messages page.  
  4. Productivity – Activities recorded during the last hour of the day appear on the correct date.  


Updated 12/13/2023


  1. Windows Agent –  Windows Agent version 10.0.47385.1 is now available. This agent records and returns inbound and outbound Chat/IM in the Microsoft New Teams desktop app (version 23306.3315.2560.6525). The release supports recording both New and Classic Teams. 

Some known issues will be addressed in the next Windows Agent release:

  • When a user switches from Classic to New Teams, recording begins after the Teams app is restarted a second time.  
  • Chat recording stops if a logged-in user signs into a different New Teams account.
  • The New Teams application name does not appear correctly in Data Explorer Chat/IM events.  


  1. Account Login – Removed obsolete code that occasionally caused a full-screen error on login.

Release 1.6.1Release 1.6.1

Updated 12/4/2023


  1. Windows Agent – An updated Windows Agent (version 10.0.47383.2) ensures capture of inbound and outbound chat messages in the recent Microsoft Classic Teams update (version Support for the Microsoft New Teams client will be added in the next release.
  2. Productivity – The method for calculating “Active Time” has been revised to consider the elapsed time of an application event rather than a strict sum of focused activity. This credits more active time for a user working rapidly between two apps (e.g., Chrome and Edge) with quick changes in window captions (new URL or tab). The calculation provides consistent Active Time, Activity Charts, and Timelines.
  3. Download Agents – Customers now have the option within the wizard to create a “reboot” or “no-reboot” installer for the Windows or Mac OS Agents.
  4. Reporting – The Add Report wizard step that specifies how often to run a scheduled report has been renamed “Frequency” (instead of “Timeframe”).
  5. Groups & Policies / Endpoint Agents – Customers can now hide “historic” users and devices they are no longer managing.
  6. Alert Words – An alert is triggered for a full keyword match (not for a partial match).
  7. Recording Policies - Application blocking has been removed as obsolete for customers using the Veriato Windows Agent (v10.0.x).
  8. Future Products – Internal changes and upgrades are in place for managing improved future products.


  1. Productivity – The “Logged-in Time” time for the previous day is correct for the user’s activity regardless of Login/Logout events.
  2. Data Explorer – On export to CSV, the date/time format adheres to the user’s preferences. Data Explorer event details now consistently display a username.
  3. Data Explorer > Mobile – The File Tracking page appears with the correct panel header. The Events by Sender filter chart for Mobile > Text Messages displays the correct table format.
  4. Chat/IM Event Details - Addressed a problem that caused incorrect parsing of Unicode language characters in Teams.
  5. All Users – Clicking the Refresh button clears a current Search entry.
  6. Reporting – Generated reports no longer show a 403 error.
  7. Endpoint Agents – Dates and time are shown correctly in PDF and CSV Exports.
  8. Alert Word Settings – Special characters are allowed when adding an Alert Word, but a message appears when ONLY special characters comprise the “Add” entry. To avoid display issues, Alert Word Categories are limited to 50 characters.
  9. Login & Access Control – A login account’s access to users and devices is denied or allowed according to “Limiting Groups” privileges on all pages. Changing the “Current Login (You)” password shows a Success message.
  10. Active Directory Integration – Server-side errors that appeared during Active Directory Integration were corrected.
  11. Antivirus Exclusions – Additional testing is improving the exclusion list for the Mac Agent in various products.
  12. Antivirus Exclusions – Additional testing in various antivirus products is improving the exclusion list for the Mac Agent.




  1. New Mac Agent MacOS Agent version 10.0.10763 is available to new customers and on request from Support. New recording includes:
    • Support for MacOS Sonoma.
    • Chat/IM recording of MS Teams and Messages (iMessage).
    • Email recording of Apple Mail, Outlook for Mac 9 (on Ventura OS).
    • Added and improved event recording in Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox browsers.
    • Improved Webmail recording for Office 365, Google, and Yahoo.
    • Keystroke recording at websites.
    • File Activity recording (Create, Modify, Delete, Print, etc.).
    • File Upload/Download recording in Skype, HTTP/HTTPS, OneDrive, and Google Drive.
    • An enabled Safari browser extension to ensure website recording.
    • Recording Policy setting and Knowledge Base updates to reflect new procedures and support.
  2. New Mac Agent Installer – A new, “silent” Mac OS Installer can be generated from the UI. The Download Agents wizard has been updated to match the new Mac installation method, and a manual Uninstaller is provided.


  1. Groups & Policies > Users - Improved the column sort for “Days Since Last Check-in” and added an “Under Investigation” column.
  2. Groups & Policies – In “Add Group,” the Recording Policy selection list is now alphabetized. Group names have been limited to 50 characters to avoid display issues.
  3. Time Zone / Date Format Preference - All pages, including All Users and Endpoint Agents, consistently adhere to the user’s time zone setting (shown in the app user’s time zone or “as recorded”), and dates appear in the format specified by the user.

Improvements (Fixes)

  1. Agents – Corrections allow the upload of all recorded events and prevent the upload of blank screenshots.
  2. Console App login – Corrected the links available on the “Forgot Password” panel.
  3. Dashboard – Chart elements in “Top Printing by User” successfully link to Data Explorer.
  4. Productivity – A flexible schedule respects the “hours per day” setting and results in the expected active and idle time for a Workday. The correct logged-in end time appears even if a logout did not occur.
  5. Productivity > Daily Productivity Chart – Tool tips show values for all types of activity (Productive, Unproductive, Neutral, and Idle.) The sequence of daily bars appears as expected.
  6. Productivity > Timeline – If no data exists for a user’s logon/logoff events or timeline, “No Data Available” appears. A line representing time spent in an activity is always legible. When exported to CSV, timeline column names match the onscreen names.
  7. Productivity Reports – Labels, tooltips, and messages consistently use “report” to refer to a Report configuration.
  8. Logon Events – Event records now accommodate all IP string lengths.
  9. Data Explorer > Screenshots – Captured screenshots play as expected.
  10. Data Explorer > Mobile – Text messages in Kik are fully displayed when notification is used for communication at the device. The page grid appears as expected.
  11. All Users – When the time zone is not uploaded (Android data or no data yet recorded) a blank appears in the Time Zone field.
  12. Page Exports – PDF exports with a custom logo are successful, and PDF Data Explorer fields are aligned. PDF exports have been verified to handle thousands of records (up to the browser’s memory limit). Productivity exports to PDF or Excel create a file with “Productivity” in the name. CSV File Activity exports include each event’s document name.
  13. Groups & Policies > Groups – New and edited group names are validated to prevent repeating an existing group name.
  14. Groups & Policies > Users – Characters in the user display name no longer interfere with the edit user panel. All data columns are left-aligned.
  15. Groups & Policies > Recording Policies - Smart Screenshots checkboxes allow deletion of individual or all (app or website) selections. Smart Screenshots and File Tracking accept folder paths in standard Mac format, and Mac application names are displayed correctly.
  16. Configuration > Productivity Settings – When the “Unproductive” page filter is selected, only websites rated Unproductive appear.
  17. Configuration > Alert Word Settings – Fixed the “Add an Alert Word” radio buttons. Alert word category names are validated to contain non-special characters.
  18. Admin > Login & Access Control – Email entries in “Add Login” are validated for email format.
  19. Admin > Company Account – “No logo available” appears if no logo has been selected. Custom logos are validated before they can be saved.




  1. European Data Center
    European customers can now access Veriato Vision hosted in an EU region data center (AWS region eu-west-1). Customers will log into the Vision console app from The Vision Windows Agent 47381 and (IG) Mac Agent are available for download and installation. Customers can request a custom Chromebook installer to download from the EU data center.


  1. Updated Android Installer
    The downloaded Android installer file is now named “VeriatoApp.apk,” and the installer interface has been updated with Veriato branding.

Improvements (Fixes)

  1. An issue with adding a payment method to Subscription > Billing Information has been corrected.





  1. For the daily chart going forward, a “Logged-in Time” is captured for an active user and accounted for in daily Productivity evaluation even when a Logon Event was not captured. 
  2. A user’s status shows the green “active” dot when the user has been active, but no Logon Event was captured.
  3. Exporting a user's timeline to CSV includes all application events as expected.

Logon Events

  1. If a logout event is the first event recorded by an agent, a log–in time for subsequent events is now captured.

Endpoint Agents

  1. When the Vision client software is installed over a previous version, the version change is correctly updated in Admin | Endpoint Agents.



Improvements (Fixes)

  1. Text Message Exports - Export of sent messages to .PDF or .CSV correctly show the messages as Sent.

Release 1.6.0Release 1.6.0



  1. File Tracking – Added support for Box and Dropbox drive activity, uploads, and downloads.
  2. Chromebook – A new version of the Chrome OS agent is available with this release.

Enhancements (Changes)

  1. Antivirus Exclusion – An initial registration panel now emphasizes the importance of antivirus exclusions for successful agent installation.
  2. Chromebook Updates – Chromebook Enterprise (Google Workspace) installations will use the device’s Serial Number as the device name (instead of sequential naming) for easier association of devices with users.
  3. Productivity – Hovering over each user reveals the user’s domain\login. The daily Timeline offers export to a CSV file. To assist new users in gathering productivity data, the “Workday Settings” now default to a flexible schedule, starting at 12:00 AM and ending at 11:59 PM, with 8 hours of expected work.
  4. Productivity Settings – Because settings are configured for one group at a time, the top filter is limited to selecting a single user group.
  5. Data Explorer > File Tracking – File Tracking options have been reduced to File Activity and Printed Files to facilitate viewing user activity across drives. A new “Category” column and “Group by” filter identify Local drive activity vs. Upload / Download transfers. Additional drive-type filtering - Removable, Network, and Cloud - will be available in future releases. Consistent labels and PDF file export have been verified.
  6. Recording Policy – For File Tracking, each path to be tracked indicates whether “Ignore events from system files” was selected or not.
  7. Alert Word Events - Alerts triggered by a Regular Expression highlight the trigger in plain language instead of regex code in the Event Details. 8. Limited User Account – The Limited User account can no longer access Download Agents. A new Limited account can view Endpoint Agents (without Add Agents capability) but will be directed automatically directed to the Dashboard rather than the Download Agents wizard.
  8. Limited User Account - A “Limited User” account can no longer access Download Agents. A Limited account can view Endpoint Agents (without Add Agents capability) and on initial login sees the Dashboard first (instead of the Download Agents wizard).

Improvements (Fixes)

  1. Time Zone / Date Selection – When “Today” (or just one day) is selected, the system corrects for a time zone difference in the day. Other time zone/date selection issues have been resolved.
  2. Pagination / Show 25 – Pagination now agrees with the selected “Show” dropdown value and is displayed correctly (e.g., “Showing 1 to 50 of 66: Page 1 of 2”).
  3. Global Filters – In multiple filter selections, the “User Group” (applies to users and devices) takes precedence and has been verified to allow only User and Device filter selections within that group. Devices must have “Checked in” less than a year ago.
  4. Dashboard – Clicking a Dashboard chart element displays the correct data type event(s) within the Data Explorer view.
  5. Productivity – Active vs. idle time in Productivity has been verified to agree with Data Explorer event records. An expanded Activity Chart tooltip clearly shows the time and percentages for each chart element. Daily times reflect the user’s Date Format preferences, and other time zone and Timeline loading issues have been resolved. Some labels and UI elements were adjusted for consistency and appearance.
  6. Alerts – File Tracking and Printed Document alerts are assigned the correct “Alert Type” in the grid. User Behavior Alerts return a device name, and no code appears in their hover-over descriptions. Some labels were adjusted for spelling and consistency.
  7. Screenshots - Event screenshots expanded to full-screen show the same number of screens as at the minimized “Context” view.
  8. Data Explorer – When a “Group by” filter is applied, the Show “All” option above the grid is disabled. When the filter is cleared, the option is enabled. Selecting a “Group by Date” chart element shows events for the requested day. Sorting by column works as expected throughout, and Load issues have been resolved.
  9. Data Explorer > Chat/IM – Images exchanged in MS Teams conversations are displayed in the Event Details.
  10. Data Explorer > Searches – PDF and CSV exports contain all online Search fields. The “Group by” filters work as expected.
  11. Data Explorer > Mobile – “Group by” filter options have been verified. Improved performance allows exporting many messages/photos to a PDF or CSV file.
  12. All Users – “Historic” users do not link to Data Explorer (where no data is available) and requested exports are handled as expected.
  13. Reporting – Resolved issues loading and displaying Report and Export data. Email reports display the correct branding and the Export or Report name. The date selected for an Export matches its published date.
  14. Alert Word Settings – Neither Alert Word Category names nor Alert Words can be blank. 
  15. Notification Settings – The Delete button is enabled when grid items are selected. Some forms were updated for consistency, Email validation works, and the User Behavior “deviation” graphic is stable on Edge.
  16. Productivity Settings – An unrated website within a rated Website Category shows the category rating in Data Explorer and Productivity. A website with a rating different from its category will appear “as rated.” Non-domain sites or sites internal to the Chrome browser (which appear in Data Explorer) now appear in Productivity Settings and can be rated. The “Expand All” button works as expected.
  17. Groups & Policies > Users – When there are not enough licenses available to move a user into a Group, an appropriate message is displayed.
  18. Groups & Policies > Recording Policies – The Update button is required to apply policy changes. “Add Application” for Smart Screenshots now includes Edge in its browser list.
  19. Test Drive Fixes – Corrected some Data Explorer “Group by” filters and added the ability to set Alert Status on the Alerts page.
  20. Login Link – The link to "Login” from the site now leads to the Veriato Vision app.
  21. Knowledge Base – Updated the agent support articles to reflect new capability. Added instructions for deploying Chromebook agents via Google Workspace. Clarified and updated articles to match this release. Corrected navigation issues in Mozilla Firefox and fixed specific image and text issues.

May 8, 2023


  1. Data Explorer –PDF and CSV Exports of "Mobile > Text Messages" (and MMS) include the contents of messages, and PDF exports of "Mobile > Photos" have appropriate page breaks

March 28, 2023


  1. Data Explorer – Corrected a problem on the Mobile > Geolocate page so that selecting a device in the left column loads data, and the page responds as expected.



Updated: 12/04/2023